O seu mealheiro:
Como funciona:
- Once the pot is created, you can invite your friends to participate or send them a dedicated link.
- At the end of the collection period, the collected sums will be automatically converted into a gift card.
- If delivery costs apply, they will be deducted from the total amount collected.
O cartão de oferta:
Válido para: | |
Modo de entrega: | |
Montante cobrado: | 0 € |
Custo de entrega: |
Your browser is not compatible with our online gift shop
For performance and security reasons, the purchase on our online gift shop is not allowed with Internet Explorer.
Convidamos você a usar um dos seguintes navegadores de Internet compatíveis:
- Chrome : https://www.google.com/chrome
- Firefox : https://www.firefox.com/
- Edge : https://www.microsoft.com/fr-fr/windows/microsoft-edge
- Safari : https://www.apple.com/safari/
Se tiver alguma questão, não hesite em contactar-nos:
- Por correio eletrónico: frank+partner@bonkdo.com
- Por telefone: 06 01 02 03 04
Se tiver alguma questão, não hesite em contactar-nos:
- Por correio eletrónico: frank+partner@bonkdo.com
Confie em nós!
Disponibilidade imediata
Reserve ou ofereça em menos de 2 minutos.
Melhor preço garantido
Comprar ou oferecer uma oficina sem qualquer intermediário.
Pagamento seguro
100% assegurado pelos nossos parceiros bancários
Terms of Sales - Vouchers and gift cards
- Preâmbulo
- Artigo 1: Disposições gerais
- Article 2 : Services offered and online contracts
- Artigo 3: Preço
- Artigo 4: Disponibilidade e validade
- Artigo 5: Condições de entrega
- Artigo 6: Pagamento
- Artigo 8: Garantias
- Article 9 : Modification and nullity of the contract
- Article 10 : Intellectual property right
- Artigo 11: Proteção de dados pessoais
- Artigo 13: Direito aplicável
- Estabelecimento: pessoa física ou jurídica que oferece bens e serviços para venda.
- Cliente: pessoa física ou jurídica que realiza uma compra no estabelecimento.
- Beneficiário: refere-se à pessoa física ou jurídica que recebe o serviço e usufrui do imóvel comercializado pelo estabelecimento.
- MyBeezBox : software solution allowing the establishment to market offers of gift vouchers, gift vouchers, etc. MyBeezBox does not act as a seller.
- Cheque-prenda: oferta comercial que permite ao cliente oferecer um serviço pré-definido ao beneficiário da sua escolha.
- Cheque-prenda: oferta comercial que permite ao cliente oferecer um montante a ser gasto pelo beneficiário no estabelecimento.
- Oferta: refere-se a uma oferta comercial, como um vale-presente ou vale-presente oferecido pelo estabelecimento.
- Vale de troca: trata-se de uma confirmação de compra que resume todas as condições de utilização da oferta pelo beneficiário.
- Por um lado, a sociedade 01 Nom de la société, ao capital social da 20000,00 €, a seguir referida 01 Nom commercial (Staging ) cuja sede social se situa em 2 Place de la Comédie - - - 33000 Bordeaux - FR, cujo SIREN é Nanterre B 494 138 589 ; legalmente representada por Franck LEFEUVRE, devidamente autorizada para os presentes efeitos.
- Por outro lado, o cliente.
These General Conditions of Sale governing the terms and conditions of sale of offers by the establishment 01 Nom commercial (Staging ), we advise you to consult them carefully before committing yourself.
As presentes condições gerais de venda (CGV) são válidas a partir de 30 Agosto 2018. Substituem qualquer outra forma de condições gerais de venda anteriormente em vigor relativas à venda de ofertas comerciais.
O estabelecimento reserva-se o direito de modificar as CGV, embora tal modificação seja inaplicável aos contratos celebrados anteriormente respeitando as CGV associadas às referidas vendas.
Qualquer cliente, antes de se comprometer, certifica ser capaz de celebrar um contrato nos termos dos artigos 1123 e 1224 do código civil.
Antes de celebrar um contrato, cada cliente deve ler e aceitar as condições gerais de venda do estabelecimento.
As ofertas estão disponíveis no site do estabelecimento vendedor, sob a forma de serviços específicos do estabelecimento, que podem ser complementados por opções sujeitas ao acordo do estabelecimento.
As fotografias e os vídeos que descrevem os serviços das diferentes ofertas não têm carácter contratual.
Article 2.2
The offers are available for purchase online on the site .
The consideration of this purchase by the establishment assumes full payment for the service.
When purchasing online, the customer is redirected to a secure platform managed by MyBeezBox and its banking partner HomelocPay, the latter being a partner of Mangopay Advent International.
It is the customer's responsibility to fill in his personal information in such a way as to identify him as provided for in article 1316-1 of the civil code.
In the event that the customer is not the beneficiary of the offer, the latter will be automatically kept informed of this purchase via different delivery methods made available to the customer.
During payment, the establishment certifies that it makes a link available to the customer to access these present GTC.
The price of the options will be added to the price of the service announcement, as well as that relating to postage, effective only in the event of sending the exchange voucher by post.
The establishment reserves the right to modify the prices, without retroactive application on the sales concluded prior to this modification.
O estabelecimento propõe ofertas dentro dos limites da sua disponibilidade e capacidade.
A oferta pode ser utilizada para os serviços mencionados nos detalhes do serviço publicados em linha, não podendo ser aceite qualquer reclamação relativa a um serviço não previsto na oferta - incluindo opções.
Article 4.2
The offers are valid for a period of time specified by the establishment at the time of purchase, the validity period begins from the date of purchase and not from the date of reservation on the site.
The purchase of the offer is made by the customer. However, the latter is not necessarily the beneficiary.
A reservation, subsequent to the purchase, must necessarily take place for the use of the offer.
The reservation must be made during the validity period of the offer. On the other hand, once this first condition is met, the date of the stay may be outside this same period of validity.
The beneficiary, provided with the unique code relating to the offer purchased, must book his service on the establishment's website. The establishment is in no way responsible for booking the services.
The establishment reserves the right to set the dates of availability of the services. These are available for consultation at the time of booking.
In the event that this period of validity is exceeded, the offer is not refundable and will be considered as acquired by the establishment.
The offer commits the establishment to a service when it validates the receipt of payment and the registration of the reservation.
On the one hand, in the case where the customer is the beneficiary of the offer:
- Send the customer the confirmation of purchase of the offer by email. The voucher will be accessible via this email using a hypertext link. The customer will then be able to download the exchange voucher in PDF format by clicking on the link. It will then be possible to print it if necessary.
- Sending a personalized exchange voucher to the customer by post, a delay of a few working days is to be expected before receipt. The shipping costs are fixed by the establishment and available when choosing the shipping option. A confirmation email is sent to the customer as soon as the payment is validated.
- Sending the customer the confirmation of purchase of the offer by email. The voucher will be accessible via this email using a hypertext link. The customer will then be able to download the exchange voucher in PDF format by clicking on the link. It will then be possible to print it if necessary.
- Sending to the beneficiary of a notification of purchase of an offer in his favour. The voucher will be accessible via this email using a hypertext link. The beneficiary will then be able to download the exchange voucher in PDF format by clicking on the link. It will then be possible to print it if necessary. At the same time, the customer receives an email confirming the purchase.
- Sending a personalized exchange voucher to the customer by post, a delay of a few working days is to be expected before receipt. The shipping costs are fixed by the establishment and can be consulted when choosing the shipping methods. A confirmation email is sent to the customer as soon as the payment is validated.
In the event that the customer makes an error preventing or delaying the receipt of the exchange voucher, the establishment cannot be held liable. Complaints will then be dealt with separately.
The bank data relating to the card used by the customer must be entered in the corresponding fields, namely the card number, the security code, the name of the cardholder and the expiry date of the said card.
As provided for in Article L.133-8 of the Monetary and Financial Code, payment by card is an irrevocable commitment, once given.
The establishment reserves the right to accept deferred payments. Otherwise, full payment is due to complete the offer purchase.
In case of error or refusal of payment, the transaction is considered as unsuccessful, the purchase is then suspended.
Payment security is guaranteed by MangoPay, a subsidiary of the Mangopay Advent International bank.
MyBeezBox is at no time in possession of the money, the latter passing through an escrow account opened specifically on behalf of the establishment.
Em caso de reclamação relativa à compra de uma oferta ou à receção do vale de troca, pode contactar o estabelecimento 01 Nom commercial (Staging ) por :
- Cartas, para o endereço 2 Place de la Comédie - - - 33000 Bordeaux - FR,
- Correioeletrónico, para o endereço frank+partner@bonkdo.com
- Telefone, para 06 01 02 03 04
Em caso de perda ou roubo do seu vale de troca, é necessário notificar o estabelecimento no prazo de 14 dias, assim que o incidente for detectado.
Artigo 7.2
A transferência de responsabilidade pela oferta entre o estabelecimento e o cliente ocorre assim que este último é entregue, de acordo com o artigo 1138 do Código Civil.
Esta disposição aplica-se ao beneficiário que deve possuir um seguro de responsabilidade civil suficiente em relação à prática de uma atividade desportiva, quer esta seja ou não considerada "de risco".
A modificação de uma das cláusulas do contrato de compra e venda pode ser modificada com o acordo escrito de ambas as partes.
Artigo 9.2
O facto de o estabelecimento não invocar uma das cláusulas das presentes condições gerais de venda não estipula que este renuncie a inquirir sobre esta condição numa data posterior.
A nulidade de uma das disposições das CGV não implica a nulidade das presentes condições.
Se necessário, o estabelecimento reserva-se o direito de intentar ações judiciais contra a pessoa singular ou coletiva responsável por esse dano.
When you use MyBeezBox
When you visit websites using the technology offered by the MyBeezBox solution or register for one of our services, we ask you to provide personal information about yourself.
We automatically collect information about your computer hardware and software. This information may include your IP address, browser type, domain names, Internet service provider, files viewed on our site (HTML pages, graphics, etc.), operating system, clickstream data, access times and addresses. This information is used by MyBeezBox for the operation of their services, to maintain quality of service and to provide general statistics regarding the use of our services. For these purposes, we link this automatically collected data to personal information such as name, email address, address and phone number.
When you make a transaction via MyBeezBox
When you make a transaction, we also collect your banking information such as your credit card number and the CCV/CVV code so that MangoPay, our banking partner, can proceed with the proper operation of this transaction.
All customers signing a contract with MyBeezBox agree to abide by the terms of the contract as well as those applicable by the GDPR on the use, collection, and processing of personal data. No information is resold to third parties.
No information is resold to third parties.
If you provide us with credit card information, we use it only to verify your financial qualifications and collect payment from you. We use a third-party service provider named MangoPay to handle credit card processing. This service provider is not authorized to store, retain or use the information you provide except for the sole purpose of processing credit cards on our behalf. We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. We secure the personal information you provide on computer servers in a controlled and secure environment, protected from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. All personal information is protected using appropriate physical, technical and organizational measures.
The length of time we retain the information we collect about you depends on the type of information, as described in more detail below. After that time, we will delete or anonymize your information or, if that is not possible, we will securely store your information and isolate it from further use until deletion is possible.
We retain the personal information you provide to us when we have a legitimate business need to do so (for example, for as long as necessary to contact you about your contracted Service or our other services, or as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our agreements).
When we have no legitimate business need to process your personal information, we securely delete or anonymize it or, if that is not possible, we securely store your personal information and isolate it from further processing until it is deleted.
If a customer terminates the use of all services offered by MyBeezBox, we will provide the customer with access to all information stored for the customer by the subscription service at the customer's request, including personal information provided, for export by the customer in accordance with our commitments set forth above. After termination, we may, unless prohibited by law, delete all such customer information.
You are free to exercise your privacy rights:
- You may request access, correction, update or deletion of your personal information.
- You may object to the processing of your personal information, ask us to restrict the processing of your personal information or request an extraction of the data we hold about you.
- If we have collected and processed your personal information with your consent, you are free to withdraw it at any time. Withdrawal of your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing we have carried out prior to your withdrawal, nor will it affect the processing of your personal information carried out on the basis of lawful processing grounds other than consent.
- You have the right to complain to a data protection authority about our collection and use of your personal information.
Se necessário, o estabelecimento dispõe de um prazo de 14 dias, a partir do momento em que toma conhecimento do facto, para informar o cliente.
As condições de reembolso serão posterior e individualmente avaliadas em função do estabelecimento.
FAQ - 01 Nom commercial (Staging )
- Qual o prazo de validade dos cheques-prenda?
- Sou o feliz beneficiário de um vale de oferta. Como o posso utilizar?
- Quais são as opções de envio disponíveis?
- O pagamento é seguro e isento de riscos?
- Que notificação recebe o destinatário do vale de oferta?
- What notification will I receive after I have purchased my gift certificate?
- Como funciona a compra de um vale de oferta?
- What are the advantrages of buying a gift voucher online?
- Posso personalizar o vale de oferta?
- Quais são os métodos de pagamento propostos?
- Posso receber o vale de oferta imediatamente?
- Posso comprar vários vales-presente numa única encomenda?
- By post - shipping costs will then be added to the initial amount of your gift voucher.
- By email to the recipient - the recipient of the voucher will receive it instantly in his or her email box.
- To be printed at home - the buyer receives the voucher by email (in PDF format) and can print it out to hand-deliver to the recipient.
- Personalização do vale de oferta, escolha de opções e método de envio
- Preencher os seus dados de contacto
- Preenchimento dos dados do beneficiário, bem como da mensagem personalizada
- Pagamento seguro em linha
Time saving - Thanks to the emailing, the gift voucher will be sent instantly as soon as the payment is validated.
Ecological - Concerned about our environment, sending by email reduces paper printing.